Hello there my little sparrows,
I have been persuaded that after such a long time of being completely useless with writing new posts, that I should start my blog back up, and what a perfect way to do so than this, my twenty three before twenty four list.
Twenty Three before Twenty Four:
2. go swimming and lose one stone
3. travel
6. blog more X
7. get a new tattoo! X
8. be more outgoing - say yes more! X
9. send more letters and surprise packages X
10. lots more adventures, five a.m picnics, and midnight carousel rides
11. screen printing classes
12. be a better person - volunteer X
13. wear and buy more peter pan collars and sequins
14. go back to london or amsterdam or barcelona X
15. be more tolerant
16. give up diet coke (again) X
17. read more books
18. learn to embroider X
19. bike ride every other day
20. do a good deed a day - or at least try to X
21. use my degree - get out of retail and find something i love
22. make more clothes and bake more cakes
23. LOVE ♥ X
I am super excited to be back blogging again and equally excited to complete this list, I have actually amazed myself and already ticked number seven off my list already (today!) and I am well on my way to doing numbers eight and twenty two as well.
I promise to be much better at posting from now on - it's on the list!
Sincerely, Alexa ♥
P.S. Here's just a tiny peek at what I have been upto of late (since my last post in April) -
Said Goodbye to some of the best people I have EVER worked with.
GRADUATED with a 2:1!!!
Celebrated mine and Nicola's 23rd's in the Lake District with some beautiful people.
Perfected rainbow cake and sold one for £50! |
Received a FREE pair of gorgeous Vivienne Westwood Melissa's. |
Skeleton Onesie |
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Am now the proud owner of this peach of a bike from Made.Com |
Got some beautiful Birthday presents from my wonderful friends, including this watercolour
(I'm going to dedicate a full post to my gorgeous birthday presents shortly! I was truly spoiled!)
Got some lovely Christmas presents from my super generous friends!
How amazing is this Port-a-Pug again from Brionny.
Spent NYE 2012 at a super party with some gorgeous people! Check out this up and
coming photographer, Tom Bond's facebook, he's amazing and his little family are beautiful!
Created my own glitter brogue boots after being inspired by Elsie over at A Beautiful Mess.
On a spur of the moment got a tattoo today.
It's something I have wanted for a while now and I love it!
Shhh! Don't tell my Mother!!
Sincerely, Alexa ♥